SEO Consultant Gold Coast Search Engine Optimisation by Michael Sherry

Outrank your competitors, attract relevant visitors to your website & convert more leads with a search engine optimisation campaign delivered by an Australian SEO Consultant based on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

Specialist SEO services from a Professional SEO Consultant who actually cares about creating real ROI and building genuine results for your business.

This is a private, 100% done-for-you service.

This means I remove the burden of the SEO/website tasks so you can focus on doing what you do best – running your business.

Contact me (Michael) today for a quick discovery call on 0431 739 060 or send me a message.


SEO Case Studies of Real Local Businesses

These 7 case studies demonstrate the organic traffic (visitors direct from Google) growth for Gold Coast businesses.

The screenshots are taken directly from the client’s Google Analytics account showing the tremendous growth in relevant website traffic gradually over time.

Labrador Auto Electrics SEO case study results

SEO case study organic growth chao pha ya thai massage and LTD air tools


SEO case study for best price auto workshop and Vamos australia SEO case study for superior tennis academy and plains removals


Real Reviews of My Web Design & Gold Coast SEO Services


Contact me (Michael) for a quick discovery call on 0431 739 060 or send me a message.


Grow your business with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

With the power of SEO, you have the opportunity to greatly increase your website’s online visibility and get your business in front of people who are already interested in your services.

Getting more people on your website who are actively seeking the products and services you offer is a recipe for revenue growth and long-term business success.


Be discovered by local people who are ready to buy

Get more clients, serve more customers and improve your bottom line with an SEO strategy created and rolled out for you by an experienced SEO consultant.

With expert SEO techniques, you’ll attract more potential customers to your website who are primed, interested and ready to buy your services.

By improving the overall quality of your business website with SEO, you’ll convert more of these potential customers into paying clients and grow your business.


Attain measurable, long-lasting results for your Gold Coast business

Some SEO agencies or search marketing companies incorrectly judge the effectiveness of an SEO campaign simply by how many extra visitors landed on the target website.

My approach to long-term SEO success is more about improving measurable business outcomes that impact your bottom line such as:

– Generating consistent leads.
– Converting more prospects into paying customers.
– Achieving a positive return on your SEO investment (ROI) so the campaign pays for itself.

SEO is a longer-term strategy

Working with a Gold Coast SEO is an ongoing process because Google’s ranking algorithms are constantly changing and so are your competitor’s websites.

As an experienced SEO Consultant, I’ll continuously monitor, update and improve your SEO campaign on a monthly basis.

If/when algorithm changes do occur, I’ll pivot the strategy to keep your website compliant with Google so your business can continue to thrive and succeed.


Interested in working with a Gold Coast SEO Consultant?

Ready to have an initial discussion about the digital marketing needs and goals of your business?

Please contact me (Michael) on 0431 739 060 for a quick SEO consultancy call or send me a message.


Common Questions about SEO Campaigns Gold Coast

How much does SEO cost?

SEO campaigns are tailored to your specific industry, business needs, available budget and long-term revenue goals.

As a general price guide, my SEO services range from $650/month – $3000/month.


Can you guarantee first-page rankings and SEO success?

I cannot offer any guarantees of SEO success – it’s not ethical to give a guarantee about something you can’t directly control (like a search engine).

It’s never a good idea to work with an SEO Agency, Digital Agency or SEO Specialist who claims they can guarantee SEO results.

If anyone offering SEO claims to be able to guarantee you a result, this should be a big warning sign – start looking elsewhere for SEO consulting services.

No one should give SEO guarantees.

Google’s webmaster guidelines state: “No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.”

In Google’s Beginner SEO documentation in Google Search Central, Google says:

“Your prospective SEO should be able to give you realistic estimates of improvement, and an estimate of the work involved. If they guarantee you that their changes will give you first place in search results, find someone else.”

Why we can’t give guarantees about SEO results

The reason SEOs cannot give guarantees is due to the other factors influencing search rankings or conversions that are beyond of our control.

For example, if the online reputation of your business is impacted because of a defective product or service, your search rankings and website conversions could take a hit which is completely outside of my foresight or control.

Alternatively, if Google drastically changes it’s algorithm, this can cause huge changes in the search results which could potentially have consequences for your website.

My holistic approach to SEO

I’ll happily educate you about the SEO strategies, tactics and techniques that I use to get the best results in your unique SEO campaign.

I provide monthly SEO reporting with factual data on the progress and results of your SEO campaign so everything is transparent.


What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation which is an online marketing technique used to increase how often your website appears in the search engine results pages (SERPS).

The goal of SEO is to get more people to click through to your website from the organic search results.

By getting more people to your website, you can successfully grow your business from the increasing attention, interest and demand for your services.

SEO success is tracked through metrics that can be attributed to your website such as:

– Number of website impressions in Google.
– Number of website visitors.
– Direct phone calls (click-to-call).
– Direct email enquiries.
– Online bookings.
– Website form submissions.
– Email subscribers.

Who are the major search engines in the Australian market?

There are many different search engines available online.

Google is considered the major search engine currently dominating the market, followed by Bing and Yahoo in Australia.


Market Share: 92.47%


Market Share: 5.56%


Market Share: 2.71%

As you can see from the statistics above, Google is the dominant search engine in terms of market share and popularity.

Bing and Yahoo can be worth keeping an eye on, but Google is the primary search engine you want to impress with your website so you can achieve top organic search rankings.


How does SEO help a Gold Coast business?

Effective SEO will greatly improve the quality and quantity of your organic traffic, which simply means the visitors referred to your site from search engines like Google.

To do this, your website needs to be “optimised” or improved so the people who come to your site find the information they need, have a great experience and are converted into new customers/clients.

Improve the quality of visitors: Your website could attract thousands of random visitors from across Australia, but if these people are looking for an auto electrician when you’re actually a tax accountant, that is NOT good quality or relevant traffic for your business.

This is why you need an SEO expert to improve Google’s understanding of your website so you attract visitors who are already interested in the services your business provides or the products you sell.

Increase the number of visitors: Once you have your website showing up in front of relevant people, you also want to appear to as many of the right people as possible so they click through to your site.

SEO can result in explosive business growth

If more and more relevant visitors are clicking through to your website from the search engine results pages, you’ll get more enquiries/sales and generate new business (even while you sleep).


How long does SEO take to see results in Google Search?

This all depends on factors like:

  • What your real SEO goals are.
  • How much competition you have and the quality level of your competitors.
  • The current rankings of your website.
  • The nature of the keywords you’re business should rank for.
  • The age of your website.

Generally, SEO is considered to be a long-term effort that will deliver long-term results. In some cases, improvement can be rapid, but there are many factors that come into play and influence the speed of your growth.

Just like getting to know a new friend, increasing the reputation and quality of your website in the eyes of search engines rarely happens overnight. It takes determination, patience, investment and sometimes a little faith as well.

Usually, you can see signs of improvement within 2-9 months of commencing an SEO campaign such as:

  • Website impressions will be increasing.
  • Organic traffic to your website should be steadily increasing.
  • Search engine rankings for your targeted keywords and key phrases should be starting to improve.
  • You may also be noticing a higher level of customer enquiry or an increased conversion rate.

After 12+ months of ongoing SEO, you should be able to analyse and see obvious growth in your levels of impressions, website traffic, conversions and revenue.


Do you do local SEO?

Local SEO is my specialty. I’ve helped quite a few local businesses dominate the search rankings for their services.

These businesses have improved their overall digital marketing strategy and grown their profits and the starting point was a successful Gold Coast local SEO campaign.


What does successful Gold Coast Search Engine Optimisation look like in 2024?

In 2023, Australia’s main search engines (like Google) have developed advanced algorithms and also use deep machine learning AI to analyse and interpret websites in a more natural way, human way.

Google even employs real people to manually check the search results for quality and relevancy from time to time.

Successful SEO is all about understanding the search intent of your customers and then providing them with valuable, helpful content and a user-friendly experience on your website.

The Short History of SEO

Many years ago, SEO was about trying to “game” or manipulate the search engines into ranking your website at the top of the search results. This involved many spammy tactics such as keyword stuffing, spammy link building and automating the creation of low-quality website content.

Some “SEO experts” in 2021 are still trying to use these old and outdated blackhat SEO tactics. This will not work and is likely to result in your website receiving a penalty and dropping out of the search results completely.

Choosing a white hat SEO Consultant who is a modern SEO Specialist is important to the success of your SEO strategy and the growth of your business.

Understanding Google’s Mission & Intentions

Unfortunately, Google’s aim and purpose isn’t to help your business get more customers.

Google simply wants to provide its users with the most accurate and relevant website results for their search queries. In other words, Google wants to provide the best answer.

Your website needs to become the best answer

Modern SEO is now about making your website the “best answer” for the common search queries and keywords used by your target customers.

Making your website the “best answer” involves improving your site so it provides honest, authentic, relevant, valuable content in a fast-loading and user-friendly experience.


What are the “real” results of successful small business SEO?

For a service-based business, the real results of ongoing SEO is consistently attracting new, high-quality customers while the business continues to steadily grow its revenue and improve the bottom line.

A successful Gold Coast SEO campaign coupled with a Search Engine marketing campaign (such as Google Ads) can trigger massive revenue growth for a business and provide an incredible return on investment (ROI).


What does a Gold Coast SEO Consultant do?

The responsibility of an SEO consultant is to work with Australian businesses to create an SEO strategy based on keyword research, market research and competitor analysis.

SEO consultants must then deliver an SEO campaign based on the planned strategy. The goals of the SEO campaign are to:

  • Improve your business website from a technical and content perspective.
  • Increase the online visibility of your business and your services.
  • Attract more visitors as well as better qualified customers to your site who need your services.
  • Increase the number of enquiries and leads generated for your business online.
  • Analyse your website traffic data and provide digital marketing advice based on the trends and insights.
  • Add value to your business and hopefully get you a tangible return on investment.

In short, SEO Consultants and SEO Specialists aim to improve and empower your website so you can get more customers and grow your revenue/profits.


Why work with a Specialist SEO Consultant or SEO Expert?

Hiring an external SEO Specialist to conduct SEO Services is extremely beneficial for almost every type of business because:

  • It’s cost-efficient – You don’t have to go through a formal hiring process, you’ll pay less than half a full-time employee’s salary for SEO consulting and you don’t need to spend time up-skilling your own staff.
  • They avoid the curse of knowledge – Hiring an external worker means they come into your business with a fresh set of eyes. They aren’t burdened by the knowledge of how the business runs day-to-day and can learn what they need to know on the fly.
  • They provide an outsider’s perspective – This means they can more easily relate to your customers, enabling them to create more effective marketing campaigns that connect with your target market.
  • You’ll save time: Management can continue to focus on internal business needs while the SEO consultant deals with the SEO strategy, and marketing tactics and provides the business owner or management team with monthly reports.
  • Direct Access: Unlike working with an SEO Company, you’ll have a direct line to your SEO Expert and a much more personable working relationship.
  • The business will grow – Your SEO expert will improve the bottom line by helping to increase revenue and achieve the marketing goals needed to grow the business.


Where do you actually live Michael?

I’m an Australian SEO consultant and I currently reside in Hollywell 4216 (near Runaway Bay) on the northern side of the Gold Coast, QLD.

I do SEO for many local Gold Coast businesses, as well as other businesses all across Australia.

I also do some contract SEO work for a digital agency based in Southport, Gold Coast.


Interested in working with me?

Ready to have an initial discussion about the digital marketing needs, challenges and goals for your Gold Coast business?

Please call Michael on 0431 739 060 or send me a message.


Gold Coast SEO Techniques for Local Business Websites

An SEO campaign that achieves long-lasting results can have a massive impact on the growth and security of your business.

Successful SEO is driven by strategy, analysis, process and execution. At a high level, SEO is comprised of two main parts – Authority and Relevancy.

I use a holistic SEO approach to achieve the best results using the following SEO tactics and techniques to develop your site’s authority and relevancy such as:

Technical SEO

Every SEO campaign starts with conducting a technical SEO audit to diagnose and repair any issues that may inhibit your website’s ability to be quickly read and recorded by search engines.

This involves getting under the hood of your website. It’s necessary to ensure your website is “crawlable” and “indexable” for search engines like Google.

During this process, I’ll audit and address things like:

  • Website Architecture
  • Code Quality (HTML / CSS / Javascript / PHP)
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Page URL / Link Structure
  • Hosting/Server Performance
  • Google’s Core Web Vitals

Getting your website’s technical foundations right is critical to the success of your SEO campaign.

You’ll have no hope of achieving top organic rankings if the search engine bots can’t easily discover, read, interpret and index your website.


On-Page SEO

This involves optimising your website’s on-page content to target relevant search terms used by your target market.

This includes:

  • Keyword Research & Targeting
  • Meta Tag Optimisation
    • Page Title Tag
    • Meta Description
    • Open Graph Tags
  • Implementation of a Content Strategy
    • Optimisation existing content.
    • Creating new content.
  • Internal Linking Tactics
  • Implementation of Schema Markup
  • Image ALT Text
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)


Off-Page SEO

Off-page activities involve working on SEO factors that are external to your website but still influence your search engine visibility.

The core aim here is to increase the authority, credibility and online reputation of your business/website from the outside.

  • Google My Business Profile
  • Backlinks & Citations (NAP)
  • Online Reviews & Reputation Management
  • Referral website traffic from other websites and social media


Work with a Local Gold Coast SEO Specialist

Let’s have an initial discussion about the online goals of your business and how SEO services may be able to help you achieve those goals.

Please call me (Michael) on 0431 739 060 or send me a message to start the conversation.