Michael's Blog

Marketing on a Budget: Cost-Effective Strategies for Small Businesses

Posted on: May 27, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: Local Business Marketing Guides

Are you a small business owner looking to grow your brand without breaking the bank? This guide explores cost-effective strategies specifically tailored for small businesses. From leveraging social media and content marketing to implementing referral programs and hosting webinars, we’ll delve into actionable tips that can be adapted for businesses in various industries. Whether you’re […]

How to enable WordPress shortcodes in the Yoast SEO fields

Posted on: May 26, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: Tutorials

If you’re wondering how to make a shortcode work inside one of the Yoast SEO’s plugin text fields, you’ve found the right guide. functions.php code to enable shortcodes in Yoast SEO All you have to do is go to Appearance –> Editor –> functions.php –> scroll to the bottom of the file and copy/paste the […]

How to disable schema / structured data Yoast SEO plugin

Posted on: February 26, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: Tutorials

To remove all schema markup automatically generated by the Yoast SEO plugin, do the following: 1. Add this snippet to the bottom of your functions.php file or add it to your site using a code manager plugin: add_filter( ‘wpseo_json_ld_output’, ‘__return_false’ ); 2. Save, and clear your website cache (if you are using a caching plugin.) […]

FREE Google Websites To Be Removed in March 2024

Posted on: January 10, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: News

Key Changes: Starting March 1, 2024, websites hosted on Google Business Profiles will be deactivated and no longer supported. Small business owners have long benefited from Google Business Profile’s free web pages….but that is all about to change early in 2024. This means that any existing website using this service will be taken down, and […]

Woocommerce – How to Empty Cart After a Set Time Period

Posted on: October 25, 2023

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: WordPress Tutorials

Empty Abandoned Carts Automatically in WooCommerce E-commerce stores built using WordPress and WooCommerce face an ongoing challenge – cart abandonment expiration. Shoppers often add products to their carts and leave without completing the purchase. When this happens, it leaves inventory stuck in limbo inside a stagnant cart that cannot be sold until the cart is […]

7 Reasons Why WordPress Sites Get Hacked & How to Prevent It

Posted on: April 09, 2023

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: WordPress Tutorials

From outdated software to weak passwords, here is everything you need to know so you can harden your WordPress site against attacks and keep your data secure. WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), powering over 40% of all websites across the internet. While WordPress is easy to use and incredibly flexible […]

What is Web Design? Understanding the Basics of Website Creation

Posted on: March 23, 2023

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: Local Business Marketing Guides

Web design is essential in today’s digital age, as a website is often the first point of contact between you and your audience. It serves as an online representation of your brand or personal identity, and encompasses the visual elements, layout, and user experience of your website. In this article, we’ll delve into the basics […]

Why is web design important for a business?

Posted on: March 04, 2023

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: Local Business Marketing Guides

Web design is important for a business because having a high-performing website is one of the key ingredients in the recipe for business success. The performance of the website and overall digital marketing strategy can bring triumph or ultimate failure for a business, particularly if the business is still new and trying to find its […]

How to redirect all AMP URLs in WordPress

Posted on: November 23, 2022

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: News

If you’ve removed an Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) plugin from your WordPress website, you may need to redirect all the old /amp/ URLs back to the original, non-AMP URL. The best way to do this is to: Step 1: Download and install the free Redirection Plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.   Step 2: Once […]

How to blanket redirect AMP URLs in Apache .htaccess

Posted on: October 21, 2022

Written by: Mick Sherry

Posted in: News

If you’ve removed Accelarated Mobile Pages (AMP) from your website or blog, you may need to redirect all the old /amp/ URLs back to the original, non-AMP URL. To do this automatically, add this line to the .htacces file on your apache server: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/amp(.*)$ RewriteRule ^ %1/ [R=301,L] This will blanket […]

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