What role do online reviews play in local SEO?

What role do online reviews play in local SEO?

Online reviews play a vital role in local SEO because they provide useful information and help your business stand out.

Google reviews show up next to your Business Profile in Maps and Search.

Reviews are a valuable source of information for new potential customers. According to Google obtaining new reviews helps businesses improve their search engine rankings in the local search engine results pages (SERPS).

Here are the main ways that online reviews impact local search engine optimization (SEO):


1. Reviews create relevance

Google uses online reviews (among many other ranking factors) to assess the relevance of a business for a particular search query.

For example, if a user searches for “restaurants near me,” Google will consider the reviews of local restaurants when ranking the search results.

The content of user reviews may also influence relevance. For instance, you will build relevance when you acquire reviews that mention the word ‘restaurant’ and other words commonly associated with a restaurant such as food, waitress, chef, dessert, dining etc.


2. Reviews influence authority and trust

Online reviews help to build trust with potential customers. They serve as social proof that your business is reputable and provides quality products or services.

When people see positive reviews, they are more likely to believe that a business is credible and trustworthy.

Review acquisition is a numbers game. Generally, the more reviews you have, the more genuine and trustworthy your business will appear to the market.

For example, it’s better to have a rating of 4.1/5 stars with 120 reviews than it is to have a 5/5 star rating with 7 reviews.


3. Reviews determine your online reputation

Google also uses online reviews to assess a business’s local presence and the quality of its reputation.

The Google local pack, which typically displays three businesses prominently in local search results, often features reputable businesses with strong review profiles.

Businesses with a higher number of positive reviews appear to be more trustworthy and are more likely to appear in the local pack.

The local pack is the set of local businesses listed prominently on the search results page.


4. Reviews impact click-through rate (CTR)

Positive reviews can increase the click-through rate of your local business listing in search results.

When your potential customers see high star ratings and positive comments, they are more likely to click on your listing.

These actions lead to increased organic traffic to your website as well as increased phone calls/online bookings directly through your Google Business Listing (GBP).


5. Getting reviews naturally increases user engagement

Attaining reviews gives you the opportunity to respond to feedback from your reviewers.

It is wise to always respond to both positive and negative reviews to demonstrate to your potential customers (and show Google) that you care about customer feedback and are actively managing your online reputation.

This can enhance user engagement and signal to search engines that your business is active, responsive and genuinely trying to provide excellent products/services.

It’s also a fantastic opportunity to thank your customers for their positive reviews as well as a chance to publicly address any negative feedback in a professional and helpful manner.


Final Thoughts

Online reviews are an important component of local SEO because they directly influence your business’s:

  • Search rankings;
  • Online visibility;
  • Reputation (both online and in the real world);
  • Ability to attract new local customers.

Local SEO is required. It should be a compulsory part of your business’s digital marketing strategy.

Every business should be putting time, energy and effort into constantly obtaining new reviews from their customers or clients to improve their local SEO.

If your business needs help with local search engine optimization and/or review acquisition strategies, you should consider engaging an SEO Consultant to assist you.