Tutorials Posts


How to enable WordPress shortcodes in the Yoast SEO fields

Posted on: May 26, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

If you’re wondering how to make a shortcode work inside one of the Yoast SEO’s plugin text fields, you’ve found the right guide. functions.php code to enable shortcodes in Yoast SEO All you have to do is go to Appearance –> Editor –> functions.php –> scroll to the bottom of the file and copy/paste the […]

How to disable schema / structured data Yoast SEO plugin

Posted on: February 26, 2024

Written by: Mick Sherry

To remove all schema markup automatically generated by the Yoast SEO plugin, do the following: 1. Add this snippet to the bottom of your functions.php file or add it to your site using a code manager plugin: add_filter( ‘wpseo_json_ld_output’, ‘__return_false’ ); 2. Save, and clear your website cache (if you are using a caching plugin.) […]

How to redirect all AMP URLs in WordPress

Posted on: November 23, 2022

Written by: Mick Sherry

If you’ve removed an Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) plugin from your WordPress website, you may need to redirect all the old /amp/ URLs back to the original, non-AMP URL. The best way to do this is to: Step 1: Download and install the free Redirection Plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.   Step 2: Once […]

How to blanket redirect AMP URLs in Apache .htaccess

Posted on: October 21, 2022

Written by: Mick Sherry

If you’ve removed Accelarated Mobile Pages (AMP) from your website or blog, you may need to redirect all the old /amp/ URLs back to the original, non-AMP URL. To do this automatically, add this line to the .htacces file on your apache server: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/amp(.*)$ RewriteRule ^ %1/ [R=301,L] This will blanket […]

How to hide the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA badge

Posted on: October 06, 2022

Written by: Mick Sherry

Hide Google Invisible reCAPTCHA badge with CSS Here’s how to easily hide Google’s Invisible reCAPTCHA badge with CSS in 2 minutes. Do this the wrong way & it will disable your spam protection. Add this CSS to your stylesheet to remove the floating badge: .grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; } Jump to instructions for adding the […]

Video Tutorial: Discover the CID of your Google My Business Profile

Posted on: November 20, 2021

Written by: Mick Sherry

Before You Start If you DON’T have logins for the Google My Business (GMB) profile – now called the Google Business Profile (GBP) of the business, proceed to the video guide below ↓ If you DO have logins for the GBP of the business, the simplest method for finding the CID link is to: Get […]

How to make an iframe responsive using HTML + CSS

Posted on: May 20, 2016

Written by: Mick Sherry

When it comes to creating responsive web design elements, the <iframe> is an element that can cause a real headache unless the proper steps are taken. Today I will quickly show you how to make your <iframe> responsive in this tutorial. What is an iframe? <iframe> is short for “Inline Frame” and is used to […]

How to create a centered horizontal navigation menu using simple CSS

Posted on: May 17, 2016

Written by: Mick Sherry

In this simple CSS tutorial, we will be creating a centered horizontal navigation menu. Centering a nav – fixed width vs fluid width Using CSS can be tricky if you don’t first define a fixed width for the container of your list items…the thing is, no one wants to declare a fixed width element if […]

Themetastic images load then disappear on Safari

Posted on: March 24, 2016

Written by: Mick Sherry

Themetastic (Wordpress theme) uses retina.js which can break all of your websites images when using the safari browser and/or apple devices. I will show you a work around for this issue.

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